Get the Most From Renting Your Holiday Home in France

The France holiday rentals market in France is huge, vast even. Sure, there is a large demand for property to rent in France but there is also a huge supply. So what can you do to make the best of your property? How can you make your advert stand out in a sea of thousands of internet advertised houses and apartments? Here are some pointers on how I rent out mine. Mine started when my friend at Tampa pest control wanted to visit France. Since I knew him for years, I offered renting him my place. When he returned he started going on and on about how I should rent out to others. That is when I started learning about this.

Here are our top tips to getting the most from your rental advert, whether it is online or in a magazine.

Get Your Price Right

Do your homework before you list your property. If you were selling your property you’d call in several estate agents to give you a valuation as well as do your own homework looking in estate agents’ windows and browsing various websites. You should take the same approach with your rental property. Take some time to research similar properties available to rent locally and compare like for like.

Get Your Photos Right

For most people looking to rent a holiday home, the photos are the first thing they look at. You know what they say, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”, well with photos that is absolutely true. When looking for their perfect holiday home, most people will be swamped with results from website search engines and the idea of sifting through all of these is a daunting task. So what do most people do? They scan the photos very very quickly and home in on the ones that look the nicest. If your photos aren’t fantastic you might as well forget it.

Get Onto The Internet

Time to choose your advertising websites. There are really 2 ways you can do this. You can choose a website that you’ve seen advertised in a glossy magazine or you can put yourself into the shoes of a potential renter and do a few Google searches to see what results come up.

My brother-in-law had a village house that he and his wife wanted to rent out so they sat down at their computer, logged on to, and started searching. They had a small house in a village just outside of the town of Pezenas so they set about typing in things like, “Holiday rentals in Pezenas”, “Pezenas holiday rentals” and “House to rent in Pezenas” to see which websites came up in the first 2 pages.

From there it was a case of comparing prices, deciding which website’s customer experience was the best and which displayed the properties in the most logical, efficient, and eye-pleasing way.

They chose their favorite two or three sites and away they went.

My tip once you’ve chosen your website is not to be too wordy in your descriptions. You want to get all your important information across but you don’t want to lose people’s interest either. Let’s take a tip from estate agents in the UK again. Back in the 1990’s estate agents’ property particulars read like romance novels. They were all, “This charming property benefits from a blissful country setting made even more perfect by the stunning exterior architecture…” You remember. Nowadays estate agents’ property sheets consist of 5 or 6 photos and a few bullet points indicating the numbers of bedrooms, reception rooms, proximity to tube station and that’s about it. So think carefully about what you’re writing and make sure you get your most important selling points across as efficiently as you can.

Follow these guidelines and you will ensure that your property to rent stands the best chance it can of attracting as many potential guests as possible.
